I aspire to use my degree to work in the fashion industry and eventually at a publication or magazine. I would love to be a creative director or fashion director of a high-level magazine one day such as Vogue.

I have work experience in many different areas. I have worked as a dance teacher for young children, a summer camp director, a cashier, and a babysitter. This previous experience has taught me discipline and responsibility; I’m very thankful this for as I make my way into the fashion world. The skills that these jobs have taught me, I will bring to every job I’m at in the future.

On the fashion side, I have been apart of a internship and mentorship. I worked as a social media intern at the innovative tech-fashion brand AURA. In this position, I coordinated and planned posts across multiple social media apps for the brand to gain an audience and expand our engagement. I also took part in a mentorship at the local boutique Rove. Here I was the mentee of    the acting manager, and was able to learn the skills of buying and prices from the perspective of a small business. These experiences helped me gain experience for my future field as well as the ability to juggle many projects at once.